Advantages of Backlinks4U
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Buy Backlinks
Why do you need to buy links?
Everybody knows that to get on the top page of major search engines, in addition to on-site optimization, you should get a lot of backlinks referring to your web site from other internet sites. This is why link building is a vital part of search engine optimization process. And the easiest way to increase your search engine rank and link popularity of your web site is to buy links from other relevant internet resources. This will allow you to build one way links very fast, which will definitely improve your link popularity. Still not sure why would you buy backlinks?

Sell Backlinks
Why do you need to sell links?
Generate additional revenue by selling text links from your web sites. The main advantage of selling text links from your web site is that this income does not depend on your today's search engine ranking. When you sell links you get a long term cash flow which does not require your time at all. Our convenient system makes selling links process simple and will allow you to set price for text links for sale on your link pages you think is fare. Our low commission makes your revenue higher than anywhere else. Still not sure why would you sell backlinks on your website?

Buy Links
There are a lot of ways to get backlinks for free, but all of those methods are time consuming and also quite often there is no guarantee that your link will stay on those free web resources. When you buy link then that one way text link to your web site will appear on resources you personally want it to be placed on and it will stay there as long as you would like it to stay.
There are a lot of benefits about buying links. First of all webmaster can select pages they want to buy text links on. Another benefit is they can control which anchor text should be used for those links. Last but not least is, webmasters can buy text links whenever they need them and spread this process over time.
Our web site offers you a possibility to buy backlinks to your site from thousands of high PR pages. We offer you a convenient way to buy one way text links for a price you wish to pay for them. You will be paying for text links on a daily basis, which makes it easier for you to manage your budged and decide for how long time you want to place one way backlinks to your site on certain web pages.
There are other benefits of using our site to buy links. So, do not waste time and buy your first text link here.
Increase your ranking. Buy link!
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Sell Links
The most common question the majority of webmasters and site owners ask is why would we need to sell links? It is very easy to sell link on your site, but what is the benefit of it and what kind of benefits you will get if you start to sell text links with us.
Quite often well-established web sites do not bring a lot of revenue to their owners and in most cases it is really hard to control your conversion and other things, related to sales on your web page. If you sell links you will not depend on your conversion rates. You even do not have to spend any time by trying to sell text links on from your pages. Selling backlinks can bring you additional revenue whether you already have an income from your site or not. Similar to property market, you are actually offering links for rent on your web real estate.
Often site owners do not want to sell backlinks since they do not want to spend a lot of time placing all those backlinks manually on their sites. In our text link broker system you can choose which text link placement method you would like to use. If webmaster selects auto placement when they add their page, that, every time we sell link from such kind of pages, the text link will be placed on your page automatically without forcing you to do this process manually.
Try to sell text links with us!
Register today.
Advantages of
Sell Backlinks
- Publisher specifies the price they want to sell links for.
- Variety of link types to sell. Sell text links and contextual links on home and subpages, including site wide links.
- Daily balance update. Publisher's balance is updated on a daily basis. So as a publisher you will not loose money if some of your sales were canceled before the end of the month.
Buy Backlinks
- The main benefit of our system is that advertisers are not restricted on the period of time they want to buy links for. As an advertiser you will be charged on a daily basis, so you will pay only for the time when your text backlinks are live.
- Instant link placement. When you buy backlink it will be placed on a source page as soon as you have chosen it.
Advertisers: Check our huge inventory with no obligation.
Publishers: Add your sites and start earning passive income.